Movie & TV Homes

Revisit your favorite movie homes and properties featured on popular TV shows and learn where to find them in real life.

Latest Movie & TV Homes

How Barbie’s Dream House would look like in other countries, according to AI

With less than a month left until its much-anticipated release, the Barbie…

A recap of all the fab apartments in ‘And Just Like That…’ 

‘And Just Like That…’ might not have been to everyone’s liking, but…

The real Heartland Ranch and where to find it in Alberta

There's so much heart in Heartland that even the cowboy-averse folks love…

Location scouting: Queen Charlotte’s Buckingham House & Kew Palace in the ‘Bridgerton’ prequel

Following the raving success of Netflix's Regency-era Bridgerton series -- which became…

Grace and Frankie’s beach house in real life

With a total of 7 seasons and 94 episodes, Grace and Frankie…

Is It Real? Edward Cullen’s Sleek Glass House in Twilight

There were two things that stuck with me long after watching the…

Is The Texas Chainsaw Massacre house real? Finding Leatherface’s fearsome farmhouse in the Texan countryside

In 1974, Tobe Hooper, legendary director of several classic horror flicks including Poltergeist…